Call for Papers IVMSC 2023

After the first, second and third International Virtual Mirrors Studies Conference (March, 2020 and 2021, August 2022), the Mirror Studies Project, is organizing an International Virtual Mirror Studies Conference #4 (IVMSC) for 2023. The conference theme is Mirrors: an interdisciplinary approach #4. This is a conference open for scholars and artists

The main topic of this conference is mirrors and interdisciplinary approaches. Scholars and researchers from different academic backgrounds who have done research about mirrors from various perspectives are all welcome. Mirrors as objects have been important in numerous academic fields: arts (sculpture, pictures, photography), literature (Perseus and Medusa, fairy tales such as Snow White and Beauty and the Beast, the children’s book Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll), humanities (written sources about mirrors, folk tales about mirrors), science (Archimedes and his mirror during the siege of Syracuse, physical tests of lightness and waves, chemical reports of texture and materials, metallurgical or glass analysis), social sciences (mirrors as social expression or tool used in rituals, religion festivals and funerals), political sciences (mirrors as gifts, political plans of sharing and spreading mirrors), psychology (mirroring, mirrors and soul, self-reflection), psychoanalysis (Lacan and the mirror phase, Jung and symbolic mirrors, Freud and mirrors), philosophy (Foucault and heterotopia, Derrida and deconstruction, Wang Minan and mirrors), popular culture (movies, comics, journalism) and archaeology (mirrors within archaeological context).

Some of the suggested topics are:

  1. a) Mirrors as archaeological objects (types, uses, context, decorations, functions etc.)
  2. b) Mirrors and geography (space, environment, mapping, GIS etc.)
  3. c) Mirrors and humanities (history, ethnology, literature, anthropology etc.)
  4. d) Mirrors and social sciences (sociology, international relations, psychology etc.)
  5. e) Mirrors and sciences (physics, chemistry, metallurgy etc.)
  6. f) Mirrors and art (sculptures, pictures, photography, movies, comics, contemporary art etc.)
  7. g) Mirrors and philosophy (ancient and contemporary thoughts and concepts about mirrors)

The working language is English. We urge authors to apply for this virtual conference. It is possible to sign up as an individual presenter or as a member of one session. Each session is requested with a set of at least three presentations. Every session will have a chair and discussant who will be selected by organizers.

The date of the conference is September 6 – 8 2023 (Wednesday to Friday) and abstracts according to the instructions and application for participation should be submitted by July 31 2023,  to the following e-mail address:;; Acknowledgement of receipt shall be sent before July 20 2023.

Authors can sign up independently or as co-author of a paper. The number of works by a single author is unlimited. Registration for the conference is online using the application form for registration. The conference will take place through suitable software for conferences on which any participants would be notified at the time.

Organizers will provide a Book of abstracts with the main information about the conference schedule, contact and instructions for online attending.  Proceedings have the potential to be published, according to the papers delivered and interests of participants.

You can learn more about  the Mirror Studies Project at

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